Our Vision
At PS/MS 71 We Believe that
Every Child, in Every Classroom, Every Day
is entitled to:
• An exemplary public education that is academically challenging,
equitable, and inclusive of all learners
• A safe, nurturing and collaborative learning environment that
promotes independent thinking, problem-solving, and
decision- making
• A school environment that promotes positive self-esteem and
cultivates strong partnerships among students, teachers,
families and the community
• A professional learning community where teachers and
students are engaged, empowered, and inspired to become lifelong
Instructional Focus
All students will write across content areas to demonstrate their ability to think critically and make their thinking visible. Students will use writing to effectively express and communicate their opinions, life experiences, and information.
We believe students learn best through:
1. Modeling
2. Accountable Talk
3. Collaboration
4. Scaffolding
5. Workshop Model
Our Core Values: Respect, Perseverance, Excellence
Our School norms:
We respect ourselves.
We respect each other.
We respect our community.
School Hours
Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade: 8:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, and Eighth Grade – 8:00 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
PS 71 Welcomes All
Mission Statement
At P.S./M.S. 71 our mission is to educate the whole child to become an independent thinker, a productive citizen, and a compassionate member of society.
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District 8 Goals
School Wide Goals
P.S./M.S. 71X 2021-2022 S.M.A.R.T.E. Goals
Goal #1 | P.S./M.S. 71 - Focus #1 High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction Reduce the number of students performing below grade level in ELA by 5% as measured by the DRP and Acadience. Increase the number of students performing on or above grade level (Level 3 and 4) in ELA by 5% as measured by the DRP and Acadience. |
By June 2022, Kindergarten through 8th Grade level 1 students in ELA will decrease by 5% as measured by the Acadience and the Degrees of Reading Power (DRP) common
Goal # 2 | P.S./M.S. 71 - Focus #2 Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment Braiding Initiatives to Achieve Educational Equity Braid CRSE, Academics, SEL, and Attendance |
By June 2022, the MTSS Team will serve as the school experts to develop and train teacher teams across the school in implementing the tenets of the CRSE Framework and will continue to integrate a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) across P.S./M.S. 71 based on screener outcomes from Attendance, Academic, and Behavioral Data. We aim to blend RtI and PBIS in a way that produces equitable outcomes for all students while adhering to the NYS CRSE Framework. This goal will be measured by a decrease in referrals, decrease in suspensions, and an increase in attendance across the school. ● All teachers will affirm students’ racial, linguistic and ethnic identities which will lead to improved student outcomes. ● Schoolwide teacher teams and school teams will meet every other Monday during PLC time; 40 minutes will be devoted to Inquiry Work for Grade Specific Teams, and the additional 40 minutes will be allotted for the following school teams to meet: ILT/RIT Team, PBIS Team, Attendance Team, Equity Team, Special Education Team. For all staff that are not members of the school teams, they can continue to further analyze student data, engage in curriculum planning and update pacing, and continue to revise the school Assessment Plan. ● The P.S./M.S. 71 Attendance Team will meet once a week to identify patterns of chronic absenteeism, and take preventative measures by outreach to families. Students who are identified as Tier 2 will receive a Student Success Plan to outline strategies and next steps to improve attendance. ● The MTSS Team at P.S./M.S. 71 will consist of two members from each of the following school teams: ILT/RIT Team, PBIS Team, Attendance Team, and Equity Team; representatives from OT, PT, Speech, School Assessment Team, School Counselors, and the IEP Teacher will also be part of the MTSS Team at P.S./M.S. 71. ● MTSS Team will meet monthly to analyze data from the respective school teams, and examine trends and students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Research-Based ELA/Math/Behavioral Interventions; Once interventions are identified for specific students, specific stakeholders will be identified to support students, as well the frequency and duration of interventions, and progress monitoring measures. ● In the event that progress has not been successfully made by a particular student, additional approaches and interventions will be discussed during MTSS Meetings, and potential referrals for Tier 3 Interventions by way of PPT/SIT. |
Goal # 3 | P.S./M.S 71 - Focus #3 Ongoing and Targeted Professional Learning Communities Developing the equity lens for all staff across P.S./M.S. 71 with a clear focus on CRSE and delivering educational justice for all students by following the NYS CRSE Framework. |
By June 2022, the P.S./M.S. 71 school community will develop their equity lens and strengthen their focus on a Culturally Responsive and Sustaining School Environment. This goal will be measured by survey data from teachers and students. ● P.S./M.S. 71 school stakeholders will prepare a professional development series for teachers around Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Curriculum. This will be an extension of the work that began in the previous school year on helping teachers develop inclusive curriculum and assessment, and instruction that provides opportunities for student-led civic engagement, critical examination of power structures, and project based learning opportunities. ● A Book of the Month series will continue that focuses on being representative of the diversity represented in our school community; the school Equity Team, Peer Collaborative Teacher, and other school stakeholders will be involved in the development of specific lessons for teachers to deliver to students when conducting Book oft the Month Read Aloud's that incorporate the 5 Pursuits (District 8 Anchor Text - Cultivating Genius by Gholdy Muhammad) ● Teachers will continue to implement the Civics for All Curriculum across grade bands to teach culturally responsive lessons. The Civics for All Curricular materials and resources are written and developed by diverse perspectives, and intended to elevate diverse perspectives. Students will be taught to think critically about current events and social justice topics and engage in thought provoking conversations to make their thinking visible. Nonetheless, staff will work to ensure their students’ identities are affirmed, viewed as assets, and reflected in the curriculum and processes of learning. |
Goal # 4 | P.S./M.S. 71 - Focus #4 Welcoming and Affirming Environment Implement daily relationship building practices to ensure students feel safe, affirmed, and are ready to engage in joyful learning experiences |
By June 2022, P.S./M.S. 71 will implement daily relationship building practices to foster supportive and inclusive communities so students and parents feel safe, affirmed, and ready to engage in learning experiences. ● P.S./M.S. 71 will host a "Homecoming Event/Celebration Week" to welcome students and staff back to in person learning. Classrooms and Hallways will be decorated with print rich signage to invite students back into a welcoming and affirming school environment. There will also be a "PBIS Virtual Kickoff Session" for students during Homecoming Week to introduce the new PBIS Platform "Live School", and introduce the newly revamped Matrix and language. ● Beginning in September, monthly Student Council Meetings and Virtual Town Hall Events for all students will be held to empower young student voices to be heard. Specific students will be selected to share out their experiences in school, and in conjunction with our PBIS Team, these students will share out anecdotal experiences about their success in using exhibiting positive behaviors in accordance to our school wide PBIS Matrix. ● Additionally, students will also be able to volunteer monthly to share out about their cultural heritage throughout the year. This will enhance the opportunities of the school community to become familiarized with the diversity that is represented here at P.S./M.S. 71, which will in effect create a more welcoming, affirming, and inclusive school environment. ● Beginning in September, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) will be integrated into instructional content and pedagogy. Staff will continue to receive ongoing professional development and guidance on how to integrate SEL Competencies into their lessons, and also become familiar with SEL practices and strategies to help students self-regulate unwanted behaviors and negative emotions. ● Members of our PBIS Tier 2 Team, specifically the School Counselors, Social Workers, and SAPIS Worker, will push into classrooms weekly to engage students in SEL Lessons. The Sandford Harmony Curriculum will be used for Grades K-5, while the Second Step Curriculum will be used for Grades 6-8. ● System for Student Referrals for Interventions - The PBIS Team at P.S./M.S. 71 will develop and share out the "PBIS Student Behavior Management Flow Chart" and a "PBIS School-Wide Behavioral Referral Form via Google Form" to help guide teachers on how to identify students who may be in need of Tier 2 interventions; The "PBIS Student Behavior Management Flow Chart" will describe the series of events that should take place in response to student exhibited negative behaviors. This flowchart will outline exactly which types of behaviors fall under the category of "Teacher Managed" and "Dean/Admin Managed", and will indicate how many occurrences and which in-class interventions should be used before making a referral for Tier 2 |
P S _M S 71 - School S M A R T E Goals docx 1.pdf